American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies


Welcome to the website for the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS). We are glad you are interested in joining our conversation and hope that you choose become a member. This website serves as the central source for information about our association, annual conference, and journal. This site will continue to grow and adapt to our needs as we work together, engaging in complicated conversations about the field of curriculum studies and the contexts, local and global, that inform our field.

Links in the menu bar at the top of the screen will take you to the static pages about the AAACS, our annual conference, our committee, our journal, our projects, and curriculum-related links. Once familiar with our site, please feel free to check the updates frequently for upcoming dates and possibilities.


  • AAACS Conference (2022) (In-Persons & Virtual Sessions) : Please check CONFERENCES tab. Thank you very much for all of your important and inspiring work in the field!

  • Follow AAACS

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  • Please see the Journal Tab for more details on the new issue of Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (JAAACS).

2022 AAACS Annual Conference
April 19 - April 21, 2022

2022 Annual Conference

Curriculum Studies in the Anthropocene

The 2016 AAACS call invited members to consider the ways in which we are “confronting and working through cataclysmic climate change, global refugee crises, epistemic violence of racism and other forms of oppression.” The challenge that we presented then involved an idea of “work[ing] together to heal ourselves and our communities even as we try to heal the earth.” In the spirit of the late, great Maxine Greene, we invited radical reimaginings of education that might lead to transformative actions aimed at making the world a more habitable and hospitable place. In this year’s call, we draw attention again to these crises and invite members to address what it might mean to live as humans during a time of human-driven death and dislocation, of projected climate tipping points, and increasingly likely end time scenarios. What might it mean to carry oneself with awareness and compassion amidst species extinctions, collapsing ecospheres, and the other anticipated disruptions on our horizon?